The War Against Icelandic Bank Terror

I am extremely pleased to see that the sweeping powers of Britain's Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act - passed in 2001 to keep Britain safe from global terror - are being used to defend Britain's shores from the lethal threat of Icelandic bank accounts.

Although lawyers, the Financial Times, and other lily-livered defeatists who would capitulate in the face of Icelandic Bank Terror are less pleased:

"Lawyers said the Treasury’s unprecedented use of anti-terror powers to freeze Landsbanki’s estimated £4bn UK financial assets could create knock-on problems for other institutions with which the failed lender was doing business.

The freezing order was issued under the 2001 Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act that was passed after the September 11 attacks the same year."

More news from the latest front in the global war on terror here...

We must remain vigilant. This is just the start. Iceland's sinister banking sector may have sleeper units all over the UK. We cannot show weakness. We cannot show mercy. I hereby call on Gordon Brown to authorise an SAS raid on Björk's Post Office Savings Account.

Look at her. Quite clearly planning to destroy our free markets by unleashing weapons of mass destruction. Quick, stop her! She's reaching for her piggy bank! We haven't a moment to lose.

And cancel the Oyster Cards of Sigur Rós while you're at it. You wouldn't know where they'd be going...