Geneva reading, hardbacks, other news...

Some nice comments on the Loudness War piece over on my myspace page (from Debbie Lear and Michael Knight), so I will return to that subject soon, and tell the True Tale of Toasted Heretic's Part in That Great Battle.

Meanwhile, this post is terse and businesslike. The novel comes out in two weeks, so here's some last-minute news:

I'm reading in Geneva this coming Monday (18th of July 2007). Do tell any Swiss friends who might be in the neighbourhood. More info from the Geneva Literary Aid Society.

And we're bringing out a hardback of Jude: Level 1. Probably a limited edition, probably signed (by me). It should arrive in the shops around the same time as the paperback. More news on that soon. Everything's gone to press now, so it's starting to feel real. My copy of the hardback is in the post. I'll put the new, finished cover up on the website as soon as it arrives. I'm told it's only gorgeous.

It looks like I'll be doing a few readings over the summer, in Geneva, Galway, Dromineer, and several in the UK (including a damn good music festival) which will be confirmed very soon. More on those once they're definite...

Some radio stuff is being firmed up, both English and Irish, also some press and magazine stuff... more when the dates are nailed down. Subscribe to the RSS feed, if you're keen to hear it all as it's announced...

Only two weeks to go, holy guacamole...